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Tina Vovk

3. 12. 2016,

Osveženo pred

7 let, 5 mesecev

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 1,50

Natisni članek

Natisni članek

Ashley Graham Victoria's Secret manekenka obline Elle Vogue

Sobota, 3. 12. 2016, 15.28

7 let, 5 mesecev

Manekenka s pravimi ženskimi oblinami

Tina Vovk

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 1,50

V sredo so v vsem blišču na reviji Victoria's Secret nastopile najbolj slavne manekenke, a marsikdo je pripomnil, da ga njihova koščenost ne prepriča in da bi morale na reviji za spodnje perilo nastopiti ženske s pravimi oblinami. Takšne zagotovo ima Ashley Graham.

Ashley, ki je konec oktobra dopolnila 28 let, je ena od najbolj znanih in iskanih močnejših manekenk. Te se vse bolj prebijajo v ospredje, saj ni malo tistih, ki jih suhljate manekenke ne navdušujejo.

Ashley, ki je nekoliko podobna igralki Evi Mendes, je najbolj znana po svojem sodelovanju z modno hišo za spodnje perilo Lane Bryanr, krasila pa je naslovnice tako pomembnih modnih revij, kot so Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Glamour in Elle. Letos je postala prva močnejša manekenka na naslovnici revije Sports Illustrated.

V Nebraski rojena 177 centimetrov visoka rjavolaska je od leta 2010 poročena z Justinom Ervinom, ki ga je leto prej spoznala v cerkvi.



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Dreaming of warmer weather!

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Back in the day🎈

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Your body is your fashion. Don't miss @ANTMVH1 12.12.16 on @VH1. #ANTM

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This is lingerie that’s meant to be seen. My new #AshleyGraham Seductive collection NOW available at @dillards! #sexystateofmind

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@enellsportsbras #notanad #curvyfit #enell

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Sultry✔️ Hot Pink✔️✔️ Leopard✔️✔️✔️ coming soon! #ashleygrahamlingerie X @additionelle #sizesexy

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Straight from the screen.. thank you to my @swimsuitsforall crew for another awesome trip! #beautybeyondsize

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Link in bio 💕💋 #ashleygrahamlingerie X @additionelle

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Thank you again to @SelfMagazine for showing that healthy comes in all shapes and sizes! #beautybeyondsize

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My 3rd essentials collection drops for Valentines Day! #ashleygrahamlingerie @additionelle #beautybeyondsize

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And they said I wasn't an editorial girl.. 🚼 | Sneak peek from my @fashionunfiltered story releasing Mon! | #slay #beautybeyondsize

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Take me back!!! #mexico

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Thank you #breathlessrivieracancun for a great start to celebrating my bday month!☀️🎉🌊🌴😎 #scorpio

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Once in a while, blow your own damn mind. #mantra #breathlessrivieracancun

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⛵️Catamaran vibes ⛵️ thank you @breathlessresorts #BreathlessRivieraCancun @howelltalentrelations

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Shop my latest lingerie collection with @additionelle in my link💕

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TGIF!! Unfiltered shot by @mattheweades 💕

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😇 @graziauk @mattheweades @andrewfitzsimons @taliasparrowmakeup @janetaylor_hayhurst @redhotnails

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@si_swimsuit #beautybeyondsize

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#beautybeyondsize #bts #myswimbody

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👙Wearing my 'Espionage' black string bikini👙 @swimsuitsforall

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☀️☀️No chill on these beach dayz☀️☀️

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