Sobota, 12. 10. 2019, 12.11
5 let, 5 mesecev
Hvalnice na račun Kipchogeja dežujejo po spletu
Kipchogejev rekord: največji športni dosežek v zgodovini? #tvitosfera
Zgodovinski dosežek kenijskega tekača Eliuda Kipchogeja, ki je danes na Dunaju prebil magično mejo in maraton pretekel v manj kot dveh urah (1;59:40), močno odmeva po svetu in spletu. Kaj o novem dosežku, ki zaradi različnih dejavnikov ne bo štel za svetovni rekord, pravi tviteraška srenja?
34-letni Kenijec je prepričan, da se bo njegovo znamko v prihodnosti še presegalo ...
Today we went to the Moon and came back to earth! I am at a loss for words for all the support I have received from all over the world.
— Eliud Kipchoge (@EliudKipchoge) October 12, 2019
Thank you to all who gave me the opportunity. Asante.
For me, this is the most impressive sporting achievement in history. Absolutely moved to tears to be able to witness this in my lifetime. A sub-2hour marathon. To get perspective, go and try to run at 21kph for 300meters....
— Mark Cavendish (@MarkCavendish) October 12, 2019
Incredible @EliudKipchoge & everyone behind @INEOS159
What an epic achievement! So inspirational 🙌 @EliudKipchoge 🇰🇪 #NoHumanIsLimited @INEOS159 #ineos159 #ineos159challenge
— Chris Froome (@chrisfroome) October 12, 2019
How great was Kipchoge’s post-race interview - such a humble and articulate chap, even after breaking the two-hour barrier. Hardly sweating and managed to sprint around celebrating with the fans. Inspiring for my half marathon tomorrow, which’ll prob take just as long #ineos159
— Felix Lowe (@saddleblaze) October 12, 2019
Nairobi at a stand still. Weldone #Eliud159
— Mullah 💯%🇰🇪🇰🇪 (@mwaura24) October 12, 2019
President Uhuru Kenyatta calls Eliud Kipchoge And wishes him well as he attempts to break marathon record. #Eliud159 #IneosChallenge
— Ahmed Mohamed ((ASMALi)) (@Asmali77) October 11, 2019
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