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Branka Grbin

12. 1. 2018,

Osveženo pred

7 let, 2 meseca

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue Green 3,10


Natisni članek

Natisni članek

trend Instagram lepota fotografija

Petek, 12. 1. 2018, 4.31

7 let, 2 meseca

Desetsekundna preobrazba: dokaz, da ni popolnih teles #foto

Branka Grbin

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue Green 3,10


fotografija, Instagram, sprememba | Foto Instagram

Foto: Instagram

Na Instagramu se je začel novi trend, desetsekundna preobrazba. Gre za fotografije 'prej' in 'potem', le da med njimi ni več mesecev razlike, temveč le deset sekund. S kolažem hočejo dekleta pokazati, da popolno telo ne obstaja.

Vsi poznamo primerjave 'prej' in 'potem', na katerih je vidno, kakšen napredek je posameznik dosegel v določenem času. Navadno gre za transformacije po mesecih ali letih telovadbe, pri čemer je ena fotografija vedno vidno boljša od druge.

Zdaj pa je Instagram prevzel novi trend preobrazbe z bistveno manjšo časovno razliko. Kaj se lahko zgodi v samo desetih sekundah? Veliko, dokazujejo Instagram zvezdnice.

Drugačen izraz na obrazu, ličenje, drugačen položaj z izbočenim trebuščkom, drugačna osvetlitev, drugače nameščene hlačke ... vse to so dejavniki, ki imajo izjemno pomembno vlogo pri dobri ali slabi fotografiji. Bistvo pa je, da imamo vsi obe plati, nihče nima samo ene. Le da na Instagramu in drugih družbenih omrežjih ljudje seveda najraje izpostavijo tisti najlepši del sebe.

Razen če spadate med ta pogumna dekleta, ki so poleg takšne fotografije objavile še tisto malo manj popolno:


REAL TALK: the photo on the left is staged as hell. I was told where to put my legs, how to angle my arm, which way to tilt my hips and even how to hold my fingers. My eyes were watering from the false lashes and my hair will probably never look like that again. THESE ARE THE TYPE OF IMAGES WE COMPARE OURSELVES TO EVERYDAY! A posed, polished, perfectly lit snapshot of the highlight reel. Except this photoshoot was different, because after all the typically 'flattering' lingerie posing, @curvykate asked me to go home and recreate the pictures make-up free, hair undone and relaxed. Because behind-the-scenes deserves to be celebrated too! Our bodies are glorious from every angle. Posed or unposed. Polished or not. And we sure as hell don't need to compare ourselves to anybody's highlight reel, after all, the model in the magazine doesn't even look like the model in the magazine most of the time. 💜💙💚🌈🌞 You can see more about this photoshoot on @curvykate's blog, the link is in my bio! ✨ Left photo by @alisonvwebster with make-up by @sharlottejacks 💫

A post shared by Megan Jayne Crabbe 🐼 (@bodyposipanda) on


"I have cellulite, much like every other women on the planet.🙋🏼 And yes, in certain poses and lighting my cellulite can look better or worse. First i was very insecure and ashamed about having it. But why hate it and be unhappy, when you can accept it and maybe work on it and be happy🤗 ⠀ I'm not gonna write a very long story, so let me tell you this. "Imperfections" or "flaws" are there, they make you human. And if it's something you can fix, that's okay, but it's also okay when you can't fix it. Please don't be too hard on yourself. You are just perfect as you are!" 😍 - 💪 Follow @thefittestbody for the best fitness & health content! 👇 tag - comment - share to support! - 📸 @nienkke | All rights and credits reserved to the respective owner(s)

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