Četrtek, 1. 2. 2018, 9.20
7 let, 1 mesec
Rasual Butler (1979-2018) in Leah LaBelle (1986-2018)
Liga NBA zavita v črno, priljubljeni par umrl v nesreči
Nekdanji košarkar severnoameriške lige NBA Rasual Butler in njegova žena, pevka Leah LaBelle sta tik pred zoro izgubila življenji v prometni nesreči. Policija je sporočila, da sta oba umrla na kraju dogodka, potem ko je ob približno pol treh zjutraj Butler izgubil nadzor na vozilom v predmestju Los Angelesa in je avto večkrat prevrnilo.
38-letni Rasual Butler je kariero v ligi NBA začel leta 2002 pri ekipi Miami Heat, za katero zdaj igra tudi slovenski košarkar Goran Dragić. Nato je med letoma 2002 in 2016 igral še za Hornets, Clippers, Bulls, Raptors, Pacers, Wizards in Spurs.
The @MiamiHeat remember Rasual Butler. pic.twitter.com/thyJO1d9pt
— NBA (@NBA) February 1, 2018
Njegova žena, 31-letna v Kanadi rojena pevka Leah LaBelle, je leta 2004 nastopala v resničnostnem šovu American Idol. Živela sta v Studio Cityju.
Iz njegovih nekdanjih moštev NBA so ob tragičnem dogodku že izrazili sožalje in obžalovanje ob smrti "enega največjih vzornikov v prvenstvu NBA".
Rest In Peace my brother 🙏🏾#RasualButler
— Kobe Bryant (@kobebryant) January 31, 2018
BREAKING: Ex-NBA player Rasual Butler and his wife Leah LaBelle found dead in car crash, via @TMZ_Sports. pic.twitter.com/eMhH2A7zT0
— The Sports Quotient (@SportsQuotient) January 31, 2018
So sad this morning to here about my friend and teammate 😢 RIP Rasual Butler appreciate the people around u because u never kno 😔😔😔
— Paul Pierce (@paulpierce34) January 31, 2018
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Rasual Butler and his wife, Leah LaBelle. Our sincere condolences, thoughts and prayers go out to the family and many friends of Rasual and Leah. They will be missed. pic.twitter.com/djezmpHd5h
— Miami HEAT (@MiamiHEAT) January 31, 2018
The L.A. Clippers are deeply saddened by the loss of Rasual Butler and his wife, Leah LaBelle. Rasual will long be remembered not only for his accomplishments on the court, but for his vibrant personality, positive outlook and the compassion he had for everyone around him. pic.twitter.com/Hti86knOXa
— LA Clippers (@LAClippers) January 31, 2018
Our entire organization is deeply saddened after learning of the death of former Pacers player Rasual Butler and his wife, Leah LaBelle. pic.twitter.com/ezdVkM12PG
— Indiana Pacers (@Pacers) January 31, 2018
This one hurts. Lost a good dude. Learn a lot from a humble individual. Rest easy to you and your wife! #RasualButler
— DeMar DeRozan (@DeMar_DeRozan) January 31, 2018
We are deeply saddened at the passing of former Toronto Raptor Rasual Butler. Our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time. pic.twitter.com/zoEzcVBHaW
— Toronto Raptors (@Raptors) January 31, 2018
The Pelicans are deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Rasual Butler and his wife, Leah LaBelle. Rasual was a consummate professional and a kind, caring and passionate person who was endeared in the New Orleans community. Our prayers are with their families and loved ones pic.twitter.com/Anc7wZoMJ4
— New Orleans Pelicans (@PelicansNBA) January 31, 2018
The basketball world lost a good one today. R.I.P. to Rasual Butler, one of the realest people I ever played with. The world is going to miss your presence.
— Karl-Anthony Towns (@KarlTowns) January 31, 2018
We join the NBA family in mourning the tragic loss of Rasual Butler and his wife Leah. He played 2 seasons with the Hornets when they were in OKC and a portion of the 2013 season with our Tulsa 66ers. Our hearts go out to all who knew and loved him. Rest In Peace Sual Bop. pic.twitter.com/VZCO9meoHp
— OKC THUNDER (@okcthunder) January 31, 2018
Saddened by the news and the loss of Rasual Butler and his wife Leah. Talk about a great dude and family man. I know he had many stops during his 13 year NBA journey, but he was beloved becasue of his work ethic in Indiana. New guardian Angels..
— Reggie Miller (@ReggieMillerTNT) January 31, 2018
I'm Terribly sorry to hear about the death of Rasual Butler and his wife. Thoughts & Prayers go out 2 his family and everyone affected by this terrible accident!
— Isaiah Thomas (@isaiahthomas) January 31, 2018
We send our thoughts and deepest condolences to the family and friends of Rasual Butler and his wife, Leah. #DCFamily pic.twitter.com/Ysx4BVYEcU
— Washington Wizards (@WashWizards) January 31, 2018
We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Rasual Butler and his wife, Leah LaBelle. Our sincere thoughts and condolences go out to their friends and family. pic.twitter.com/4g8nGeovaS
— Chicago Bulls (@chicagobulls) January 31, 2018
RIP to former Clipper Rasual Butler pic.twitter.com/4xWPJoLWVR
— LA CLIPPERS (@Clipperera) January 31, 2018