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Tina Vovk

15. 10. 2016,

Osveženo pred

7 let, 4 mesece

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 1,95

Natisni članek

Natisni članek

Lindsey Vonn sestra

Sobota, 15. 10. 2016, 11.58

7 let, 4 mesece

Vroča sestra Lindsey Vonn #foto

Tina Vovk

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 1,95

Lindsey Vonn ob začetku alpske smučarske sezone v Sölden konec prihodnjega tedna verjetno ne bo, saj se bo karavani svetovnega pokala pridružila šele na severnoameriški turneji. Tam bo za Američanko pesti zagotovo stiskala njena največja oboževalka – sestra Karin.


Lindsey, ki te dni v ZDA promovira svojo novo knjigo, ima štiri mlajše brate in sestre – Karin ter trojčke Lauro, Reeda in Dillona. Lindsey, ki je v preteklosti hodila z golfistom Tigerjem Woodsom, je v ZDA zelo znana, čeprav alpsko smučanje tam ni niti približno tako priljubljeno kot pri nas.

Vendar pa je Lindsey, ne le kot (nekdanja) olimpijska prvakinja, temveč tudi kot zelo privlačna športnica, pogosto gostja zvezdniških prireditev, družbo (in konkurenco) na rdeči preprogi pa ji velikokrat dela sestra Karin.

Karin je v mladosti v družini Kildow (dekliški priimek Lindsey) veljala za večji smučarski talent kot njena starejša sestra, a je Lindsey z vztrajnim treningom postala tista, ki žanje smučarsko slavo. Karin pa za slavno sestro nič ne zaostaja v objavah svojih glamurozinih (in seksi) fotografij na družbenih omrežjih in dokazuje, da imajo v družini Kildow dobre gene.

Karin je na univerzi v San Diegu leta 2011 diplomirala iz komunikacij, psihologije in marketinga, že več let pa sodeluje z Red Bullom.


And then I thought to myself...Are the #emmys for music or movies? 🤔

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


Finally Friday. 😴

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


Cute picture of me taking a picture of people taking pictures of @lindseyvonn.

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


We poppin' 🍿

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


When everyone is trying to take a cute picture and all I can do is stare at how swaggy @jeremypiven is.

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


I ate a salad at dinner for this picture... A salad! Last nights Barnstable Brown Gala.

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


Blockin' out the haters.☀️

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


Who are you wearing? Lindsey: @aliceandolivia Karin: Target sports bra

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


Sucking in and looking deep into the horizon is WAY harder that it looks. (swear last Yacht Week picture)

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


I'll be in the kitchen cookin pies...

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


Because yesterday I had to convince more than one person I was a girl.

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on



A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


I'm like: Hey what's up hello...

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


Loved spending so much time with my sis this weekend ❤️❤️👯 #myrock @kar_inthegarage

A photo posted by Lindsey Vonn (@lindseyvonn) on


My LA girls

A photo posted by Lindsey Vonn (@lindseyvonn) on


Yes, it's true, my sister is the best wedding date of all time. Two Kildows are better than one 👯🎯 #doubletrouble

A photo posted by Lindsey Vonn (@lindseyvonn) on


Because I'm proud I could suck it in for long enough for this photo to be taken.

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


"White dress get out of the shot!"- paparazzi #JurassicWorld

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


Casual Saturday brunch with the sis👯 she always makes me smile ❤️ @kar_inthegarage

A photo posted by Lindsey Vonn (@lindseyvonn) on


Sisters at work! Launching something special with @REDBULL tomorrow :) @kar_inthegarage #sanfrancisco

A photo posted by Lindsey Vonn (@lindseyvonn) on


It's been a long/amazing winter with a lot of ups and downs, but the season has finally come to an end. I'm heading home now and before I leave I wanted to take the time to congratulate @laragutofficial and @marcel__hirscher on the overall titles, all of the discipline winners, my teammates, and all of my friends on the World Cup for a successful season. It was hard not being able to be at all of the World Cup finals but it was good to regroup and recharge with my family. My sisters and I haven't all been together for a loooong time. Sister love is an awesome thing! Can't wait for my knee to heal so I can start training hard again. I'm already excited for next season!! Thanks to my coaches, sponsors and fans for all of the support as always. Luv u guys! Xx LV

A photo posted by Lindsey Vonn (@lindseyvonn) on


Cyclops life.

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on


PS: Happy Birthday to this pretty lady, love you so much! @lindseyvonn #30isthenew20

A photo posted by Karin Kildow (@kar_inthegarage) on

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