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Ana Rupar

27. 1. 2017,

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7 let, 5 mesecev

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 0,30

Natisni članek

Natisni članek

zanimivosti Instagram

Petek, 27. 1. 2017, 10.57

7 let, 5 mesecev

To je najslavnejša ptica na svetu #video

Ana Rupar

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 0,30

Zagotovo ni najlepša ptica na svetu, je pa s svojo življenjsko zgodbo in šarmom očarala ves svet. Papiga Rhea, ki je zaradi bolezni izgubila vse perje, ima na Instagramu več kot 200 tisoč oboževalcev.


CHANEL Spring Collection 2017, @karllagerfeld sorry I missed the @chanelofficial show 👠 #RheasSweaterCollection #ootd

A photo posted by Rhea The Naked Birdie (@rhea_thenakedbirdie) on

Papiga Rhea trpi za redko boleznijo, zaradi katere ji je odpadlo vse perje in je postala povsem gola.

S svojim šarmom je najprej osvojila srca zaposlenih na veterinarski kliniki v Bostonu, kjer so ji rešili življenje, njene fotografije pa objavili na družabnih omrežjih. Tam jo je opazila 24-letna Isabella Eisenmann, ki je bila nad njo tako navdušena, da jo je posvojila.

Posvojiteljica je prisrčni ptici na družabnem omrežju Instagram ustvarila profil "Rhea – the naked birdie" (Rhea – gola ptica). Rhea je tam s fotografijami in videoposnetki, kako maha z golimi krili, pleše, ščebeta in poje, osvojila srca več kot 200 tisoč sledilcev.


How our lives changed in 6 months! Original post on Facebook, go check it out 💞 My name is Isabella Eisenmann, aka Rhea's mom! I was born and raised in Panama City, Panama. In 2012 I came to Boston, Massachusetts to study Graphic Design in @massartboston, where I graduated from this past May; since then I started working here in a marketing company and also as a side job, developing @bestoapp ••••••••••••••••••••• Back in June 2016, I was scrolling down my fb and stumbled upon a post from my dog's vet, @backbayvetclinic about this birdie [Rhea] who needed a new home. I immediately send the link to my boyfriend [and partner in crime] and told him that I was calling the vet to adopt her. He knows me pretty well and knew I wasn't joking. I called the vet and was added into a waitlist. ••••••••••••••••••••• A month or so later, they called me to tell me that she was mine if I wanted her. Well, excitement is an understatement of what I felt in that moment. I obviously started asking a million questions that I hadn't even thought about, questions about her disease/health. Soon enough, it was the day I had to pick her up. I didn't know what to expect, I just knew that this was meant to be. I honestly never even thought negatively about her appearance, to me that wasn't an issue, she was simply a bird with a disability. As soon as she saw me, she jumped right onto me, it was magical. We became best friends. ••••••••••••••••••••• Rhea was a "healthy" birdie for the first two years of her life. Around May 2016 [I was told], the feathers in her belly area started to fall off, because of this she was tested for PBFD, which came out positive. Two months later or so, all her feathers fell off and that's when I got her. She was born with Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease [read more about it here]. It basically attacks the feathers follicles, causing the feathers to fall off. Unfortunately, her feathers won't grow back. The disease is eventually lethal and shortens a bird's lifespan pretty drastically......(continue reading on her fb page) 😁

A photo posted by Rhea The Naked Birdie (@rhea_thenakedbirdie) on


🎶 Morning ritual of a professional singer + Maia trying to steal the show 🙄😅 #waitforit @nickie.internationalyorkie

A video posted by Rhea The Naked Birdie (@rhea_thenakedbirdie) on

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