Ponedeljek, 26. 10. 2020, 13.01
4 leta, 3 mesece
Tragedija v svetu nogometa: umrl komaj 17-letni branilec
Angleški nogometni prvoligaš Manchester City se je poklonil nekdanjemu članu mladinske akademije Jeremyju Wistnu, ki je v nedeljo tragično umrl pri 17 letih. V Malaviju rojeni branilec se je klubu pridružil leta 2016, vendar mu ta v začetku leta ni podaljšal pogodbe.
"Pri Manchester Cityju smo užaloščeni zaradi novice o smrti nekdanjega člana akademije Jeremyja Wistna. Sožalje njegovim prijateljem in družini. V teh težkih časih so naše misli z vami," je na Twitterju zapisal Manchester City.
The Manchester City family are saddened to learn of the passing of former Academy player Jeremy Wisten. We send our deepest condolences to his friends and family. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
— Manchester City (@ManCity) October 25, 2020
Vzrok smrti za zdaj uradno ni znan, britanski mediji pa poročajo, da je Wisten "umrl v tragičnih okoliščinah".
Former Manchester City academy player Jeremy Wisten sadly took his own life due to depression on the back of being released by the club. He was just 17 years-old.
— Purely Football (@PurelyFootball) October 25, 2020
Our thoughts are with his family 🙏
RIP Jeremy Wisten. ❤️ pic.twitter.com/5Ny45PdBjc