Branka Grbin

24. 4. 2018,

Osveženo pred

6 let, 10 mesecev

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 0,87

Natisni članek

Natisni članek

vadba The Biggest Loser Slovenija joga

Torek, 24. 4. 2018, 14.45

6 let, 10 mesecev

Ko obline niso ovira pri najtežjih položajih joge

Branka Grbin

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 0,87
joga | Foto Instagram

Foto: Instagram

Je joga res samo za vitke? To stereotipno prepričanje se je nekako usidralo v zavest ljudi in je morda tudi razlog, da se večina izogiba jogi, saj naj bi se tako ukrivljali, prepogibali in zvijali samo ljudje brez odvečnih kilogramov. A Instagram dokazuje, da je joga primerna za vse tipe teles.

Čeprav je Instagram družbeno omrežje, kjer se kažejo popolne fotografije retuširanih teles, se najdejo tudi navdihujoči profili drugačnih razsežnosti. Eni od takšnih so profili gibčnih deklet, ki ne pustijo, da bi jih obline in odvečni kilogrami ovirali pri izvajanju priljubljene vadbe - joge.

Vadba, na katero je dobro priti čim manj oblečen #video

Dana Falsetti je na primer uspešna učiteljica joge, ki obožuje svoje telo z oblinami in ga na Instagramu rada pokaže tudi povsem golega. Svojih 331 tisoč sledilcev redno navdušuje s položaji, ki bi jih mnogi pričakovali zgolj od vitkih učiteljev joge, pa tudi z zapisi, ki dajo misliti:

"Obilnejša telesa so sposobna. Veliko obilnejših teles se rado giblje. Veliko jih je močnih. Če nam daste priložnost, vam bomo radi pokazali, da so predvidevanja o nas napačna. /.../ Ne podcenjujte nas z obilnejšimi telesi, kot ne bi smeli podcenjevati samih sebe. In prav tako ne obsojajte tistih, ki na vas ne naredijo vtisa. To je naš čas, ki smo ga dolgo čakali," je zapisala pod novembrsko objavo.


Big bodies are capable. Many big bodies love to move. Many are strong. When given the chance many of us will gladly show you your assumptions about us have been planted and are false. I'm not mad at you for having those assumptions about me and my body or others, I had the same ones about myself because I was brainwashed too. And yet... many are runners, lifters, dancers, yoga practitioners, and everything in between just like anybody else. You might not see us on that clothing site, on that brand's social media, in your favorite yoga magazine or wherever else. You might only see us in before and after photos, in ads for weight loss, in articles about health concern, as tokens, but we are out here for ourselves and deserving of this space. Your eye is trained to see us in these spaces and find us out of place. But we belong. We are capable. I never pursued strength or movement because I thought it wasn't for me or was shamed and ridiculed for attempting either at essentially every point in life from grade school on. I saw and see the looks and hear the laughter. Of course people always change their tune when they see what I'm capable of - and doesn't that just reiterate my point? Only valid if I can shock you out of your assumptions... but you know what? That's alright. I'll keep doing my thing and being shocking with my body, with my words, with my fire, and that's exactly why I'm here. Literally here on instagram, and here as in existence. To live for me and never hold myself back. If I can give any insight to ignorance by existing, that's cool. When I move and breathe I get to be fully connected to this amazing body I disassociated from for so long and it's true peace. I don't feel drawn to posting much asana these days, but when I look at this photo I smile because I feel peace. I see my path and how much work I've done for myself against many odds. I get to keep that no matter what anybody thinks and that's the beauty of inner validation. Don't underestimate those of us in big bodies just as we shouldn't underestimate ourselves, and don't judge or shame the ones that don't impress you either. It's our time and it's been a long time coming 💫 📷@michelesuits

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Podobno k jogi spodbuja tudi Jessamyn Stanley, katere profil na Instagramu je poln umetniških fotografij s položaji joge in drugačno aktivnostjo. S to sporoča, da kilogrami ne morejo in ne smejo biti ovira.


I tend to revel in anger. Especially when it’s justifiable. My anger manifests as a fiery weapon & I gleefully burn away everything in my path. But maybe yoga is supposed to help manage my weapons before I accidentally hurt myself. Digging into Audre Lorde’s “Sister Outsider” for @spirithouse_inc’s Harm Free Book Zone has got me ready to amp on everyone in my life who refuses to admit that they’re complicit in upholding white supremacy. Although, if I’m being completely honest, I’m mostly just angry at myself. Angry that I am complicit in white supremacy. Angry that I officially spent my entire adolescence and young adulthood trying to buy into a system that will never let me in. Angry because, much as I loathe it, I CONTINUE to actively buy into this shit every day. And I think it would be quite easy to never do any analysis of this emotional circuit. But yoga is a hand at the nape of my neck and it’s literally pushing my face into the mirror of truth. And I’m really fucking grateful for that. Because while I’m actually quite happy with my anger (frankly, it arouses me), if I keep lighting everything on fire a bitch will be burned alive. And why you use a perfectly good blaze to burn down your own ship, Jessamyn. #yoga Photo by @justincookphoto Creative Direction by @lisaismyname0

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Z jogo se bodo v današnji epizodi ukvarjali tudi tekmovalci šova The Biggest Loser Slovenija na Planet TV. Kako bodo videti v položajih joge, si poglejte nocoj ob 21.05.