Tina Vovk

15. 2. 2017,

Osveženo pred

7 let, 5 mesecev

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 1,35

Natisni članek

Natisni članek

Kate Upton Sports Illustrated Jimmy Kimmel naslovnica

Sreda, 15. 2. 2017, 10.31

7 let, 5 mesecev

Bujne obline Kate Upton tretjič na slavni naslovnici

Tina Vovk

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 1,35

Čakanja je konec. Revija Sports Illustrated je razkrila, katera lepotica krasi njihovo slavno izdajo s kopalkami. Tretjič je ta čast pripadla Kate Upton.


@kateupton is BACK!

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Revija Sports Illustrated je zadnje dni objavljala fotografije modelov, ki so jih uvrstili v svojo najnovejšo izdajo s kopalkami. Medtem so se pojavile govorice, da je Kate zaradi svojega obnašanja tako razjezila odgovorne, da se v reviji sploh ne bo pojavila. To se ni zgodilo in na začetku oddaje Jimmy Kimmel Live! so 24-letno blondinko razglasili kot naslovno krasotico, takoj zatem pa njeno naslovnico projicirali na stavbo Empire State Building v New Yorku.

Pri reviji so se tokrat odločili za kar tri naslovnice s Kate in njenimi oblinami. Kate je Jimmyju Kimmelu povedala, da je šele v ponedeljek izvedela, da bo še tretjič na naslovnici. Prvič se je v reviji pojavila leta 2011 in takoj zaslovela po vsem svetu, na naslovnici pa je pristala naslednje leto in še leta 2013.

Še nekaj lepotic, ki se bodo pojavile v zadnji reviji Sports Illustrated:


🌊@si_swimsuit 2017🌊

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@ninaagdal. Pom poms. What more do you need to know?! 😍

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A little snow never stopped a sexy Serbian. No one can rock a scarf like Bo Krsmanovic! @bokicaboba

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Myla Dalbesio penned a POWERFUL essay on feminism and the #SISwim issue. It's amazing! Read it at si.com/swimsuit. @myladalbesio 🙌

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Happy Swim Day! Here's Hannah Jeter in nothing but a gold chain bikini!

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What's it like having an #SISwim model in your family? @robynlawley's sister and partner tell us!

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Finally, SI Swimsuit 2017 is here! Be sure to check out @jimmykimmellive tonight for the cover reveal. #SISwim

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Hannah Jeter is BACK! (📸: @ruvenafanador)

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Loving Lais? Join us at VIBES in Houston 2/17-2/18! (📸: James Macari)

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Our seventh and final rookie for #SISwim 2017 is the beautiful Mia Kang!

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@haileyclauson's return for #SISwim 2017 has us like 🙌🏼.

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Our next #SISwim 2017 rookie is Danielle Herrington! 😍

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You know her. You love her. Rejoice, Hailey Clauson is BACK!

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Just months after giving birth, @chrissyteigen got BACK in a bikini for SI Swimsuit...

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Our next #SISwim 2017 rookie is blue-eyed beauty @vitasidorkina! 👙

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Rookie Reveal Week continues with the insanely hot Myla Dalbesio!

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We're already completely head over heels for rookie Lais Ribeiro! (photo by @jamesmacari)

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Welcome to the #SISwim family, Kelly Gale! ❤️

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Rookie Reveal Week starts NOW! First up is the beautiful Kelly Gale. 🔥#SISwim

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You could meet @ninaagdal at VIBES by #SISwim in Houston, and she'll help you #GetYourEdge on dating IRL.

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